
Dear Registrar:

                                                           has applied for admission to the South Hills School of Business & Technology. An official copy of the individual's high school transcript must be included in the student's file before the admission's process is complete. Please send an official copy of the student's transcript to:

South Hills School of Business & Technology


480 Waupelani Drive

State College, PA 16801








Student's Name                                                              Maiden Name                                            _ Student's Address                                                                                                                          _ Social Security Number                                                  Birth Date                                              _

High School                                                                                                                                        


High School Address                                                                                                                    _ Graduated:      Yes          _                    Year Graduated                                                             _ No   _                        Dates Attended               _

I authorize the High School to release a copy of my transcript to the South Hills School of Business & Technology.




Student's Signature



Teaching people... Changing lives since 1970.